Tuesday, September 16, 2014


To have broaden lips and teeth visible means " A smile" for major people out there.

Does that mean a person carrying smile is happy? What is the measure of happiness? How can you you know if a person is really happy or just carrying smile?

Do the people who have achieved a lot at the young age are happy totally?

Or are the ones who are struggling to reach their set goals are unhappy totally?

I believe to me happiness is your mood. It can be to watch a cute smile on baby's face. It can be the moment when you play bowling and all of the pins get knocked down with the first ball of a frame.

It can be to be on a family holiday and reliving the old memories of childhood. It can be just to pack up bags when going to even a small town via Indian Railways.

It can be to find a greeting card from an old friend while cleaning your wardrobe.

It can be a one rupee note which is your first pocket money.

It can be just to walk on the terrace and seeing planes crossing overhead.

It is just to feel the breeze in the hair. It is to get clicked randomly at weird places.

It is to make funny faces in the mirror and laugh aloud on yourself.

So, the point being a person who has achieved success at the young age may have missed out to squeeze happiness from tiny things happening in day to day life. He/ she may have invested most of the time and money on his/her business leaving behind his/her family. To reach to that success he has lost many things on personal level. That is a sacrifice. You can't be happy always. To be happy and successful you need to sacrifice. I believe Sacrifice is the key to happiness.

My mantra to happiness would be to make tiny little things happening in day to day life a ray of happiness and keep working towards your targets in life. This way you can burst your stress and can have a balance between your personal and professional life.

1 comment:

  1. Its a sweet journey which I went while reading thin blog...and its true that happiness can be achieved if a person gives whole heart to his or her present as it will fill the remains of past and mould his or her future.
